To convert several people from various cultures working from multiple locations into a single team pursuing a common goal. That was the challenge Reckit Benckiser set us for the Andean region.
We achieved it through a powerful idea executed through various channels and formats.
We were asked to announce the merger of Latin American countries into one Andean cluster. The main goal of the series of activities was to structure the communication so that everyone was properly informed and aligned with the company business goals and plans for the future.
A simple yet uplifting and inspirational concept that shows the Reckitt people united for the same purpose. Reckitt is committed to challenges and dedication. Their main mission is to protect, heal and care.
People who work for Reckitt come from different backgrounds, carry different experiences, but they all believe in this mission. Everyone is looking for their reasons "why" and reaching for greatness. And this shared goal of striving for excellence makes them stronger together.
Big Idea: claim and Key Visual
Internal communication: plan and execution
Content creation (including video assets)
Social media: plan and execution
Company online integration event: plan and execution
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